Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

So today I woke up and I could tell that it wasn't going to be a very good day. I tried to remain optomistic as I was excited to get some info on some schools that I'm considering at the College Fair. So today, school was real boring as usual. When we were getting ready to go to lunch, I realized that I had left my peanut butter and banana sandwich on the counter! (wamp wamp!) I was rather distraut but decided to not let it ruin my day.
So after school I had to go to Show Chior, which is never any fun. Then
my chorus teacher told me she was disappointed in me for talking at Semsba. This made me sad and not happy.

This evening around 6:00, my mom and I left to go the Expo Center for the College Fair. We got on the highway in Hanover and almost immediately the car started making awful noises and it felt like we had a flat tire. What was wrong with Mother's vehicle? The tirod broke and almost started a fire. Great right? Yeap so I guess we weren't going anywhere. So we decided now would be a good time to get an account with AAA.

They said they'd send someone out in a half hour. Until they did, this very attractive man came out to help us. I had a better shot of him but I couldn't find the chord for my camera (blogging off my phone again) so that'll have to wait.

I never did get to talk to the colleges I want to apply to. I guess I'll just have to wait until I apply to them. Too bad three of them are out in California. Well, hope you all had a better day than me.
Until Tomorrow, keep it real south shore!